May 31, 2010

Yay... u're flying away!!!

kursus airborne army para, navy para & airforce para..

location: pengkalan udara tudm gong kedak.
drop-off zone : gong manok.

hari 1st ada patah pinggang.

second day patah dua2 belah kaki.

3rd day patah bahu...

the worse, that we expected, but never wish to happen.
but i want to be there, i need to be there.

alhamdulillah you did it!!!

May 22, 2010

cerita hari sabtu. (baru sekerat hari)

oi hidup yg tunggang-langgang hari ni,
sorang2 kat umah sbb malas nak ikot org laen overnite kat kajang smlm. bajet pagi ni nak call cab ke komuter.
sedar2 je pg td hp line barred, other num kedit expired, telefon umah pulak takde, nak call cab mcm mana??
bukak online banking mum *ok other people dont do this* lepas tu topup num hotlink lepas tu baru bgtau cakap 'mumy i transfered money nk topup phone.'
bertuah punya anak inlaw................. -_-" darurat, darurat......

naek komuter pegi kajang, pastu patah balik batang benar, pastu naek pulak pergi hentian putra. *eh baguss naaa KTM skg ade coach for ladies only!*

pastu beli tiket blk kelantan pulak, nak blk pagi tadi cancel.. jd nya plan nak balik esok saja. tapi dah sampai kaunter tiket beli tiket thgari ni lak.!

oi banyak duet ko!
penin. penin.
pastu bas lambat lagi, pastu pergi the Mall pegi dkt bookstore sempat beli buku pulak. dalam takde2 duet beliiiiiiiii 2 novel pulak. nak kena betol budak nih...

lepas tu tengok jam baru pukul 1, bas pulak pukul 2.30.. bhenti mcD kejap online tenet.

pastu baru pikir balik...
kalau aku blk ke ngn keta td kan da saveeeee duet???
70-80 hinggit? ha? ha?
tp xpela kurang skg aku ada buku Amy Tan - Joy Luck Club. hahaha. saja je nk bagi kapten tarzan jelesh!

hari sabtu korang bagaimana?? aything special??
gi date?
gi makan2?

May 21, 2010

Saya seorang cikgu.

hari ni, saya nampak macam heartless bila saya senyum while students menanges.
saya tak sedih ke nak tinggalkan diorang???

"teacher dah baca ke belom surat yg kitorang tulis?"
"belom, nantilah teacher taknak baca sekarang. nanti teacher sedih."

wajah2 mereka sedikit kecewa.
betol. kalau aku baca sekarang, aku mesti menanges macam orang hilang anak. coz they are my kids. and i have to let them go, but i refuse to let go.

sepanjang aku practical di situ, macam2 yg jadi.
paling penting, aku dah yakin yang aku suka apa yg aku lakukan skrg ni.. -- teaching.

macam mana aku rasa minggu depan??
when i could not expect to go to school again?
when i could not expect to see those faces?

macam2 yg diorang tulis untuk aku, buat aku rasa nk ketawa n nanges at the same time.

"i dont like when teacher cekak pinggang coz u angry with us."

"she always smile when she was angry."

"i like when teacher smile, when teacher angry, teacher's tudung yuna. teacher's crocs slipper, i very like that."

"i very like u when u teaching me. teacher selalu buat lawatan sambil belajar di setiap pelusuk kelas".

god... im gonna miss them so damn much....... +_+

May 19, 2010

You Know You're A Military-Girlfriend When:

You don't mind a phone call waking you up at 4 a.m.

You tell people that ask that he's
'only' been gone a month.

The smallest contact (short email) from your man makes your entire week!

You cry over an email that says nothing more than
hi and I miss you.

You email everyone in your address book when you receive a one liner email from your Soldier.

Those recruitment commercials on TV make you cry because you are so proud!

You get super excited just knowing that your Soldier tried to call but wasn't able to get through.

Your first Military MESS night you go to as your Soldier's girlfriend, your name tag says
**Is that a self fulfilling prophecy or what?!?**

A 30 second phone call after no calls from him for 3.5 months leaves you full of joy and happiness, and
"No news is good news" becomes your motto.
*god..kapten tarzan always say this!*

The motto "no shore too distant " becomes your life.

You feel yourself growning more and more in love with your man even while he's so far away.

Planning letters and care packages and putting them in the mail is more exciting then going out for a night on the town with the girls.

You hold off on seeing certain movies so you can see them with your Soldier when he comes home.

You want to roll your eyes when you hear someone say,
"I havent seen/heard my boyfriend in a week!"

You can go from being happy, to sad, to lonely, to angry, to proud, and back to happy in a matter of less than an hour, and you sleep with the phone right next to you; just in case.

If he's deployed you don't care how your hair looks nor care about wearing make-up, and the people at your work ask about your boyfriend every day to see if you've heard from him.

The sight of any other man in a uniform makes you miss your boyfriend MORE than it makes you drool, and you try to explain to civilians what your boyfriend does for a living, they give you a blank look because they don't understand a third of what you just said.

You don't bat an eyelash when he says,
"Uh, honey they changed when I'm supposed to return home, yet again for the 18th millionth time".

-- i found this somewhere.. all i could say is.. jeez this is so TRUE!!

note: please bear with me and this lovey dovey thingy.. tarzan akan buat 1st terjunan dan aku da cukup serabut dengan segala thing yg 'tak best didengar'. -_-"

May 16, 2010

16th of May.

kadang2 bila tengok budak yg tido dalam kelas, rasa macam nk pelempang bia berterabur gigi.
kadang2 bila suruh jawab 'true' or 'false' je pon dia tak nak buat, rasa macam nak baling ke aras bawah.

tapi banyak2 masa yg lain,, pikir kan kalau pon mereka2 tak nak belajar.. guru2 tetap perlu memaksa mereka untuk belajar.
kerana mereka tak tau apa yg mereka lakukan, kesan daripada apa yg mereka inginkan waktu sekarang.

tapi ada masa2 laen, seronok jugak bila bule menyanyi 'hey..hey' dengan students.

dan bila ada students yg me-reduce-kan umur cikgu jadi 20 taun, rasa bahagia sungguh sebab eh eh dapat kembali muda.
katanya 'teacher tak nampak macam umur 25'. wahh gitu. ha-ha-ha.


Happy Teacher's Day...

i'm always your students, and i'm always grateful to have you..

May 14, 2010

Relationship with military's people; the part that people don't seem to understand.

fact 1
there is no certainty.
relationship ini tak macam other usual relationship.
yg cakap nak jupe esok, lusa, mggu depan.. ko confirm bule jumpe. jarang2 sangat bila ko da bersiap2 nak jumpe suddenly dapat call/msg cakap tak dapat leave. or kne standy-bed. tp bagi kami2, itu expectable. always.

fact 2
being near enough doesn't guarantee of seeing, hearing or even text-ing between the two of you.
masih ingat masa belajar dulu, dari Serdang ke Sg Besi kalau naek tren satu stesen pon tak sampai, tapi nak dpt jumpa tu bule dikira dgn jari.
kalau other relation, ko takkan ada moment kne end conversation sebab dia itu ada 'baris', or hesitate nak cakap lewat2 sebab setiap pagi pukul 5.30 dia da kena lenjan kat padang, physical training pagi.
so ada masanya ko harap dia sebenarnya kerja di laut luas, mau pon di luar malaysia. coz unreachable will always mean literally unreachable.

fact 3
masuk kerja tentera tak sama dengan masuk kerja civilian.
after pertauliahan.. perkara 'Masuk Unit' (lebih kurang masuk kerja) tu tak seindah orang2 laen yg baru masuk kerja. in fact, mungkin tu la saat bermula nightmare ko.
untuk sama2 bertahan and be tough enough to expect hearing nothing for months, not seeing for months.. yg ko harap cuma lah dia dapat survive the pain. survive hari2 tanpa tido. semoga dia tak absent tugas. semoga dia cepat2 dapat habiskan kursus2 induksi ketenteraan. untuk sekurang2 nya setahun, ko kena menjalani hidup gembira tanpa dia, and u mean the happiness. or else dia akan rasa helpless and torn for not being able to b around you, sedangkan benda yg patot ada dlm kepala dia hanya lah pastikan prestasi bagus, pastikan no mistake.

fact 4
you don't have the full control towards your future/relationship. coz the officers have it, too.
di kala semua orang bule take charge of their own future plan, apa ko rasa kalau higher officer tanya 'bila ko agak2 nak kawen?' and bila partner ko jawab, dia bule kata 'u just forget bout it'.
ko rasa nak meroyan? nak jerit2? sebab kenapa org laen ada power towards ko punya future??
ade x org laen yg bila ko masuk kerja, pastu boss ko kate macam tu? pehal pulak kan..
work is work..personal is personal. but not in military. coz your personal CAN influence your working performance.
ko faham tak, kadang2 the fact tak bule kawen bukan sebab tak nak tapi memang tak bule.
ko tau tak, selain interview n kursus nikah.. kami2 perlu berdoa agar si dia itu lulus interview n permission dari officer.

fact 5
we do know that other people don't understand, but we also know it is always not easy to make them understand.
kerana bila kami cuba terangkan, bila ada respons yg kami dapat, "susahnya... kenapa tak cari je org laen?" kami tau mereka tak faham... :)

walaupun da 4 tahun im being an army's lady, maseh banyak yg aku perlu belajar dan perlu faham. kadang2 aku pon macam orang laen, slip-off tapi i'm getting better in time. aku hope people out there dapat clearer view of why we people are slightly different.
we are just as same as other relations.. we aren't any better, we just learn how to be tougher.

but we're willing to go through; because that's the man that we love.
for better, or for worse.

Military Quotes

note: thanx to blogger of OurLoveEternity for sharing with me bout how is the expectable condition of Kapt.Tarzan sekarang.
the blogger..such a tough lady, she is. dahla dia army, lepas tu husband pulak orang kapal. mmg salute!

be safe, my army's parachutist!

Missing someone gets easier everyday, because even though you are one day further from the last time you saw them, you are one day closer to the next time you will..

May 13, 2010

If 'hate' is such a strong word, why do we toss around 'love' like its nothing?

siapa-siapa yg tak tengok lagi, sila lah tengok..
*untuk renungan bersama...*

kenapa boleh ada perasaan begitu dekat darah daging sendiri?
terutama mak yg melahirkan?

inikah sebab ada peribahasa yg mengatakan

"sayang anak, tangan-tangan kan?"

May 10, 2010

janganlah macam ni. i pening oke?
sekejap macam ni. sekejap macam tu.

sape ada gossip girl season 3?
or vampire's diaries full episode?
or ade sape nak hire aku jadi baby-sitter anak dia?

Look! the sky is falling!!

i said: " dia nanti terjun... everytime he is parachuting i'll be worry."
she said: "oh kawan abg i dulu 2 orang mati sebab payung terjun la."

i mean seriously this is the best response that u cud give?? gila tak membina.
menyesakkan kepala aku lg ade la. Chicken Little betol laaa..

semalam mummy dia cakap pada aku, "cik ann, dia da nak start training ni." dengan nada yg agak risau. aku dengan cool nye hanya senyum sambil drive keta. tipu la kalau aku tak risau, tapi kalau dah mak nya risau.. takkan aku nak menggandakan kerisauan tu.
aku da freak-out waktu awal2 tau dia dapat bridget-para rajd. so cukup la. kalau aku risau memanjang, dia lagi susah hati.
aku cerita pada mummy pasal response yg aku dengar dari kawan aku tu. lepas tu aku cakap yg aku belom bagi tau mak aku pasal kapt.tarzan dalam squad para. mak aku punyela warn awal2 taknak future son inlaw yg airforce sebab banyak kes kapal terbang jatuh *dia siap cakap kat mak kapt.tarzan oke..*, ni tengok2 si kapt.tarzan siap terjun dari kapal pulak.... baguih nyaaaa. so aku tgh pikir nati2 la baru aku cakap ble dia dah go for his 1st jump. mummy diam jea, agaknya dia pikir apa respons mak aku kot.

tapi macam uncle tentera pencen yg aku jupe kat kedai basuh keta tu cakap la, "ko kalau nak hidup dengan askar ni ko kena tahan.. ko kena pikir macam askar. ko kena tough."
yes aku da maklum. da bertahun2 kot aku dgn dia. so harus la aku tak menambahkan serabut dekat dia. tugas dia ni kena focus gila, main dengan nyawa tuh... u just cant make mistake.
aku cuba pikir positive la, keja apa pon semua ada risiko. ajal maut takkan lambat dan takkan cepat.

tapi, frankly i know every time he jumps he'll take risk..until he safely land-down. of course la aku pernah pikir segala kemungkinan2 tu.....tapi tawakal jela..nak buat macam mana?

jangan la bagi respons yg negative macam tu... macam da nak suruh aku expecting something bad pulak...

May 09, 2010

friendship is something. and relationship is something else.

masa tengok cite Gossip Girl *ceh gossip girl lagi* then suddenly aku terfikir something,,

kenapa people boleh break a relationship, but not a friendship?

when a relationship is not healthy, we might get away from it. for our own sake. most of the time.
however if a friendship is not healthy, breaking-off from it just like a Taboo words. impossible.
rasa pelik tak.?

try to reason that; i come out with an assumption.

it is because friend lasts forever.
lover doesn't.

you sure arr?? habeh tu orang yg kawen tu apa crita pulak? tak ke partner dia tu adalah companion yg kekal untuk dia??
yeke friend will always be there? takkan seseorang tu akan mengadap kawannnn je sepanjang masa. weh kalau tiap kali susah carik kawan, susah je carik kawan aku rasa mau lari jugak kawan tu haa. kalau partner, tiap kali kau susah dia lari x?

kalau kawan buat perangai, kita sanggup pejam mata. tahann je.
kawan partner buat perangai *same scene*, kita mula la rasa bengang.

who says detaching from a relationship is hard?
detaching from a friendship is damn harder.

tell me something, penah dengar x org cakap "aku da break-off dgn kawan aku." penah?

so memang takde ke istilah breaking-the-unhealthy-friendship?

*note: geram aku dgn Serena n Blair tu, she better off without her. boyfriend buat silly mistake je da break-off. tp bff dia fail kan dia punya Uni application n humiliating in front of people pon bule nak berkawan lg. not healthy. not healthy.
Elmo pulak dah pas tgk gossip girl. hoh!


May 04, 2010

Careless : I nearly ruin somebody's life!

i used to a well-planned person. as d significant-other would say, i could come out with back-up plan in any time. duh. compliment ker perli tu..
however, new words for me now is CARELESS. careless. careless.

sebanyak-banyak incident yang disebabkan oleh careless, which one yang ko rase yang paling teruk ko penah buat?

Careless no. 1
i lost my purse while buying groceries at Tesco. and i dont even use money in my purse pon, then i dunno where i put that. balik rumah nak turun keta sedar2 takde. waktu tu meroyan la. nak bagi aku oke, significant-other aku yg offer utk help settle kan benda2 yg hilang. 2,3 hari pastu baru inform kat mak aku. taknak kena mumble.

Careless no.2
i went to an Atm machine, masukkan credit card, masukkan duit dlm cash deposit, dapat resit then blahh.. pastu bila singgah kat Jusco nak beli barang, baru realize card tu aku tak amek dr d machine!
and that's NOT even my card!
that was my future mum inlaw's card!
waktu tu taktau nak cakap laa, bila pikir ya Allah apasal la aku bule tak ingat lgsung nak amek card tu....... mummy mmgla bukan type yg marah2 tp rs bersalah sgt wehh.. kelam kabut la aku, mummy n abg teh pegi balik kat bank and obviously la card tu da takde kan.

and the Careless Award goes to......

pagi tu masa nak pegi sekola, aku ternampak a mobile/credit card terlekat dekat bonet keta. aku belek2 mcm card mesra/bonus link je sbb de lambang petronas so aku pon letak card tu atas d other car kat dlm garage. aku pon tak tau kenapa aku tak terpikir nak letak je dlm keta or dalam umah card tu. most probably sbb aku ingat card tu da tak guna dah. then i totally forgot about the card.. until my bro inlw called me and asked ade tak ternampak card dekat keta tu. suara dia macam cuak gila.
tak pernah kot aku dengar dia macam tu..then when he talked to mummy baru aku tau card tu card Panglima angkatan tentera! demmmmmmmm.....
and Panglima is the highest position in military!
and i just wat??? i just made my bro lost the Panglima's card!
Pengawal panglima tak sanggup nak pegang the credit card so he gave to the officer who was my bro, and i just did a deed by losing the card. *If anyone yg relates to military akan faham apa consequences yg bule terjadi dr benda2 camni. u would cost ur lives.*
even an officer one level higher rank than you pon u need to respect and obey gila, ini kan pulak Jeneral.
abehnya, malam tu aku tak tido,, mummy tak tido,, aku rasa brother aku lagi2 laa.. ni yg paling aku rasa bersalah yg amat2......... i dont know how and what he does to fix this.
he just tell me, he did settled it already, and so i dont have to worry. baek gilaaa... tak tunjuk marah pon.huhu.

*and yes sampai sekarang aku tak share dgn tarzan, sbb aku tak bule nak expect mcm mn he would react. da la aku nyusahkan abg dia, pastu benda2 tentera lak tu. kalau benda ni jadi kt dia, aku rs lg worse kot. being in military family for these few years, aku da faham sedikit sebanyak the bittersweet of military people.*

pasni kena sila amat berhati-hati dalam berbuat sesuatu, penyakit cuai aku ni makin teruk ni. haih.

May 03, 2010

it's Monday.. already?

every week will arrive with the most unbearable day, that is called - Monday.
Poor lil Monday... what have you done to deserve such 'blues'?
but life is not fair, and you're the one who had to take the blame-chair.
tsk..tsk.. but who cares?

we still hate Monday!~ =P

Lagu Negeri
Berkatlah Yang Dipertuan Besar
di Negeri Sembilan
Kurniai sihat dan makmur
Kasihi rakyat lanjutkan umur
Akan berkati sekelian yang sedia
Musuhnya habis binasa
Berkatlah Yang Dipertuan Besar Negeri Sembilan

*sila nyanyi lagu negeri di tempat keja/blaja masing2, warming up untuk sekelian rakyat jelata pada pagi isnin*!

Lagu Negaraku

تانه تومڤهڽ دارهكو
رعيت هيدوڤ
برساتو دان ماجو

رحمة بهاڬيا
توهن كورنياكن
راج كيت
سلامت برتختا

رحمة بهاڬيا
توهن كورنياكن
راج كيت
سلامت برتختا

sila nyanyi cepattttt.....

okey who hates waking up early in the morning after a bliss sunday, please raise your hand and say "I"..~

May 01, 2010

current status:

current job *teaching practicum* dah nak abeh. so far aku suka sebab tiap2 hari aku kena guna otak, try and error. aku pemalas sket, masa blaja dulu time nak exam je aku guna otak. hehe.

now tengah hunting for a new one. a.s.a.p.
sebab dari dulu lagi aku mmg sengal sikit dgn cuti2 panjang. i dont like holiday, i like to keep myself busy doing things. ni kan pulak cuti yg never ending seperti ni.. oh tidak!
rasa teringin nak sambung blaja lagi, tp rs di tahap umur ni.. kena cari duet dulu. takkan nak expect mak pak aku sponsor lg kot.
duet penting, duet penting...

mak aku cakap guru sandaran kt kedah just open for application awal2 taun.
setakat aku dok survey2 ni, takde keje2 kt sana yg available yg berkaitan dgn educ, admin, or clerical thingy. kalau ada pon depa nk yg ada experience. so dah out dah kat situ.
"dah abeh blaja nak duduk tunggu apa lagi?" ayat mak aku yg aku setuju. da 7taun aku blaja tak henti2 so nak keja la pulak.
so mak aku agree with d idea aku nak cari keja area sini saja. selangor or kL.

d thing that i dont tell is aku rasa macam nak keja kat johor.
why johor? ntah. sebab area semenanjung mostly aku da penah stay except johor.
dari sekolah da biasa merantau tempat orang, so umur suku abad ni lagi la aku teruja nak cari experience kat tempat laen.
kali ni sorang2. sebab kerja, kan. wah.

btw esok cuti...
Happy Labour Day! =)