July 12, 2009

ada sapa2 nampak berukben aku??!

berukben tu sebijik cam gini haa.


aku rasa macam nak balik seremban rite at this moment, lari2 masuk bilik and look on the bed whether berukben is there!
gosh memang rasa tak bule bernafas bila tadi bukak lappy bag and i couldnt find that berukben!! because.. wut if aku tercicir dekat mane2??
dalam tren td ke??
dekat mines ke??
call rumah pulak unfortunately no one home! arghhh...

sejak kes hilang purse, aku memang trauma dengan all those stuff.
tiap kali check berkali2 to makesure benda2 aku ade.
tapi pg tadi ntah mcm mana aku bule hilang ingatan.

please pray that i left it at home, please2... or else i'll be dead meat!
pasal benda2 yg hilang dgn purse aritu pon tak setel lg, ni bertambah pulak issue lg satu. tsk..tsk..

note: ni aku guna wifi u-spot, arini baek pulak lappy ni dpt coverage..selalu nye jgn harap!


Thumbnail said...

study upm ea???

Arin said...

so, dah tau mana cicir nye beruk-band tuh?

Belly-Button said...

hahah ade d rumah.. alhmdulillah.... lega den...

Kapten Luffy said...

mahal tu

Chase said...

what the hell is that?

Unknown said...

alahai.. siannye dia.... mintak2 jmpe blk...

Hana Fikri said...

best lah jugak..tapi skang d lande mals yang amat sangat..

iley said...

naseb bek jumpe kat umah
lucky you!

ahmdsyhmi said...

nasib baik jumpa..

Chase said...

Halo....lama menghilang

Belly-Button said...

ya lorr...
internet broadband tggal kat umah.. =)