October 09, 2009

perasaan aneh.

pheww.. finally da sampai towards d end of study, next sem just go fer practical.
haha siapa2 yg mempunyai sedara di jasin, jaga2 ya ini perempuan akan datang mengharu-birukan sekolah!! hahaha!

hmm. sepatotnya aku rasa sangat puas ati coz finally habehhhh jugak belaja, kan.
tapi rasa mcm tak best pulak, pastu macam rasa ada sket2 menyesal sebab amek scholarship coz takbule nak sambung master direct after bachelor. isk.~
aneh sungguh...... aku ingatkan aku malas belaja.
tapi rasa nak sambung master pulak.
by the way i've sent the kementerian pelajaran punye posting form-- negeri sembilan and kelantan. hoho.

tp doa2 dapatla area2 dkt cni.. semoga dapatle negeri sembilan tu kan,, it easier kalu nak study Pjj. which is kinda impossible, because kalu ikotkan kontrak Kptm tu, pihak mereka bule sesuka hati menghantar aku ke mana saje politek or kolej komuniti di malaysia ini. huhu.
tp doa jugaklah... mane tau kalu ada rezeki.. =)

by the way thanx to bloggers yg da inter-connected with me in facebook. ;)

note: oke i need to stop here. baru aku ingat aku ade kene buat blog with atleast 15posts regarding literature punye lecture. which is next week kene anta. which is, aku tak buat lg! haha!


Arin said...

posting ke jasin?kalu kak arin blk melaka..boleh lah breep breep jumpa..

Belly-Button said...

nope,, teaching practicum..
tp posting form mmg kne submit skg, i guess they wanna see brape byk org mintak where n where. so after practical nati dorg bule setelkan dat part terus.
owh kak arin melaka area mn?

Chase said...

sorry...im secretary of AFA. Tak boleh joing fb.
anti facebook ass

Belly-Button said...

apesal pulak??
AFA stands fer??..

Chase said...

anti facebook association
nanti president marah..kena pecat pula...tak nakla